Hand Injuries at Work and Making a Claim

Hand Injuries at Work

Over a million hand injuries at work occur annually in the Country.  This accounts for a large part of workers compensation claims.  Hands are used repetitively in nearly every profession.  Some examples include constant typing or mechanical work, while others can be serious hand injuries.   More serious injuries may result in emergency room visits, stitches, and braces.  So, if you are facing a hand injury or an injury to your arm from your workplace, this article can explain more, including the legal aspects of your claims.

Basic Hand Anatomy

A human hand has a concentrated amount of nerve endings surrounding the muscles and bones that provide sensory functions as well as mobility and dexterity.  This places almost a tenth of all the body’s bones in the hands and wrists.  Three main nerves account for movement, grasping, and fine motor skills.  These are the ulnar, radial, and median nerves.  Carpal tunnel affects the nerves in the hand, thus affecting the ability to perform fine motor skills at work.

However, it is important to note that your nerve damage does not only affect your daily work habits.  It can and does also affect your ability to function in your personal life.  For instance, if you have nerve damage, getting dressed and buttoning clothes might be an issue.  Other problems you may face includes holding eating utensils or even signing your own name.

Hand Injuries and Compensation LawsHand Injuries at Work

If you are suffering from a hand injury in the workplace, you have certain rights under Oklahoma law.  In order to claim these rights you must follow a series of steps.  First, you need to notify your supervisor of the injury.  Make sure to also notify your Union Representative if you are a union member.  Second, file an accident report and keep a copy for your personal files.  Third, your job should have a protocol for you to make a formal request for treatment and compensation regarding the injuries.  If you job does not have a formal way to request treatment, ask for it in writing, and keep a copy for your files.  Finally, contact an attorney to begin filing your Form 3 to get your compensation.


In some cases, your employer may offer you a lump sum settlement for your injuries.  If you agree to take this settlement, your employer legally does not have to pay any further medical expenses.  It is important that you understand, taking the settlement absolves your employer of all liability.

Workers Compensation Attorneys

When hiring a worker’s compensation attorneys in Claremore it is important that you hire someone with experience and skill in these matters.  Your attorney is your advocate.  So when you are fighting for the compensation you deserve, you need an attorney who is on board with those goals too.  Your first consultation is free with our offices.