Elbow Injuries at Work in Rogers County

Elbow Injuries at Work in Rogers County are serious and require that a workers compensation case is opened. Over 3.7 million workers compensation claims occur each year.  This is a significant cost to employers and employees alike.  One of the more common injuries includes elbow injuries.  Elbow injuries take approximately 6 months to fully recover and cost on average $7,000 or more.  If you’re facing an at work elbow or knee injury and need to make a claim, this article will explain more about it.

Anatomy and Elbow Injuries

Elbows are hinge joints.  This means they move like the hinge of a door.  In order to rotate, bend, and straighten the joint, your body uses a set of tendons.  Biceps and the Annular ligament of the Radius help to rotate the arm.  The Anterior, Posterior, and Intermediate bands stabilize the elbow.  Further, the Ulnar nerve runs through the elbow and can also face injury in an elbow accident.

Getting Elbow Injuries

Elbow injuries happen routinely in sports, but are also extremely commonElbow Injuries at Work in the workplace.  Beyond the obvious injuries of dislocation and hyperextension are the repetitive movement injuries.  For example, constant use of your elbows may result in tennis elbow, or epicondylitis.  This is inflammation in the elbow that causes pain when you move.

Elbow Injuries in the Workplace

Under Title 85A, Oklahoma has laws regarding worker’s compensation.  This sets out the steps, limitations, and rights of people in the system.  In order to file a claim, you must first report the claim through the proper channels at your office.  Basically, tell you supervisor.  Then make an injury report and keep copies for yourself.  Finally, you can request medical treatment for your elbow injury.  At this point an attorney knows which form to file on your behalf for medical treatment and worker’s comp.


Work Injury Attorneys Near You

Work Injury Attorneys can help you with the ins and outs of filing a claim.  For instance, do not take the settlement an employer may offer at the outset.  If you do, then you lose your rights to make a claim under workers compensation.  For other tips and nuances, call our offices for help.