What is Difference Between Dismissed With and Without Prejudice in Rogers County

Dismissed With and Without Prejudice

In the legal realm, the terms “dismissed with and without prejudice” hold significant implications. They apply for both parties involved in a case. These terms describe the outcome of a court action and determine whether the case can be refiled at a later time. Understanding the distinction between dismissed with prejudice and dismissal without prejudice is crucial. This understanding helps…

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Help Expunging Juvenile Records in Rogers County

Expunging Juvenile Records

Expunging Juvenile Records in Rogers County seals the criminal record like it never happened. According to 2022 statistics, 10% of the arrests made in Oklahoma each year are juveniles.  Of this, 79% of the juvenile arrests were related to possession of marijuana or some other ow level infraction.  This is a non-violent crime.  That means that while these crimes may…

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Navigating Custody in Legal Separation

Custody in legal separation

When navigating custody in a legal separation, it presents unique challenges and considerations, especially when children are involved. Legal separation is a process that allows a married couples to live apart while remaining legally married. The custody arrangements during a legal separation are critical for the well-being of the children as well as the rights of the parents. This article…

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Explaining Domestic Assault Charges In Rogers County

Domestic Assault Charges

Domestic assault charges in Oklahoma are very serious. This kind of charge strikes the heart of personal safety and well-being within intimate relationships. One of the keys to this kind of charge is that its between family members. A family is defined as acts of violence or threats of violence against a family member, household member, or intimate partner. The…

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What Exactly is Second Degree Burglary In Rogers County

Second Degree Burglary In Rogers County

Second degree burglary in Rogers County is a serious crime. This kind of offense carries severe consequences if you are convicted. Under Oklahoma criminal statues, burglary is defined as the unlawful entry into a building or structure with the intent to commit a crime. The crime can be any crime at all but most times involves theft or other felony…

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Understanding Construction Contracts In Rogers County and What To Do If Its Breached

Construction Contracts

Construction contracts in Rogers County, whether renovating a kitchen or building a new home, are significant investments. Entrusting your vision to a home contractor requires more than a handshake; it requires a legally binding agreement. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what a construction contract entails when engaging a home contractor and explore the legal remedies available should the…

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What Is Domestic Assault By Strangulation in Rogers County

Domestic Assault By Strangulation

Domestic assault by strangulation is a domestic assault and battery charge committed against a family or former family member. Like all domestic assault crimes, this is a crime that the District Attorneys Office in Rogers County aggressively prosecutes. They view this as a specially heinous crime of violence against vulnerable members of the community. Additionally, if you are accused of…

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Understanding Trafficking and Distribution Drug Crimes in Rogers County

Trafficking and Distribution Drug Crimes

Drug trafficking and drug distribution crimes are serious offenses under Oklahoma law, Its important to understand they are distinct in their legal definitions and potential penalties. There are very significant elements that account for the each crime and the differences between them. If you receive a charge for one or both of these crimes, we’ll explore the differences between these…

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How Do I File Probate In Rogers County

File probate

In Oklahoma you file probate when someone passes away. It involves proving the validity of a deceased person’s will, if one exists, and administering their estate. In Oklahoma, as in many other states, probate proceedings aim to ensure that the deceased’s debts are paid and their assets are distributed according to their wishes or according to state law if there…

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