Prostitution in Rogers County

Prostitution in Rogers County

Prostitution in Rogers County is aggressively charged by the District Attorneys Office in Claremore. In 2017 alone 357 arrests were made for prostitution related-offenses within the state. That includes assisting or promoting, or purchasing prostitution. Just last March an undercover prostitution sting in Oklahoma City landed 5 men in jail. Four of the five men had allegedly offered money in exchange for sexual favors. Oklahoma is cracking down on its prostitution problem, and getting caught means serious trouble. If you’ve been charged with Prostitution in Rogers County you require dedicated criminal defense lawyers to make sure that you get a fair shake from the system.

Prostitution in Oklahoma is Defined as

· giving or receiving of the body for sexual intercourse, fellatio, cunnilingus, masturbation, anal intercourse or lewdness with any person not his or her spouse, in exchange for money or another thing of value; or

· making an appointment or engagement for sexual intercourse, fellatio, cunnilingus, masturbation, anal intercourse or lewdness with any person not his or her spouse, in exchange for money or any other thing of value;

The pertinent statute in Title 21 § 1029. describes the elements of Prostitution. This statute establishes that in Oklahoma, the following acts are unlawful:

· Engaging in prostitution, lewdness, or assignation;

· To solicit, induce, entice, or procure another to commit an act of lewdness, assignation, or prostitution;

· Residing in, entering, or remaining in any house, place, building, or other structure, or to enter or remain in any vehicle, trailer with the intent of committing an act of prostitution, lewdness, or assignation

Furthermore, it is illegal to aid, abet, or participate in the doing of any of these acts described above. Prostitution can result in a misdemeanor or a felony conviction, in addition to numerous fines and sentences. If you need help, do not hesitate to contact an criminal defense attorney to determine your legal rights and options.

Child Prostitution in Oklahoma

If any of the prohibited acts described in § 1029 are committed with a person under 18 years old, it will be deemed as child prostitution. If the person being prosecuted is of 16 or 17 years of age, coercion on the actor by another person will be presumed in violation of the human trafficking provisions set forth in § 748. It is an affirmative defense during a prosecution for a criminal offense that, during the time of the alleged offense, the defendant was a victim of human trafficking.

Misdemeanor Prostitution in OklahomaProstitution in Rogers County

Prostitution is Oklahoma can be prosecuted as a felony or misdemeanor. Any person violating any of the provisions of § 1029 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for up to 1 year or by fines as follows: a fine of up to Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) upon the first conviction for violation of any of such provisions. Upon a second conviction, a fine of not more than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) may be imposed. For a third conviction, a maximum fine of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($7,500.00) may be imposed, or by both fine and imprisonment. The court may also require that you perform a maximum of 80 hours community service.

Felony Prostitution in Oklahoma

In the following circumstances, any act of prostitution in Oklahoma will result in a felony:

· If a person engages in an act of prostitution with knowledge that they are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus, that person will be guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment in the custody of the Department of Corrections for up to 5 years

· A person who engages in an act of child prostitution shall be guilty of a felony upon conviction, punishable by imprisonment in the custody of the Department of Corrections for a maximum of 10 years and by a fine of no more than $5,000 or $10,000 upon a second conviction. Upon three or more subsequent convictions a fine of $15,000 may be imposed

· If a person violates any of the provisions of § 1029 within 1,000 feet of a school or church, that person shall be guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment in the custody of the Department of Corrections for up to 5 years or by fines as follows: a fine of no more than $2,500 upon the first conviction, a fine of up to $5,000 for the second conviction, and upon the third or subsequent conviction a fine of $7,500 may be imposed, or by both such imprisonment and fine. In addition a community service term of up to 80 hours may be imposed at the court’s discretion.

Prostitution in Oklahoma is not taken lightly. Felonies can follow you for the rest of your life. It is always wise to contact an experienced attorney once you get hit with criminal charges.

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Rogers County Prostitution Attorneys

Getting locked up is no fun. Hefty fines are no delight either. Whether you engaged in, solicited, or were coerced into an act of prostitution in Rogers County, our office can provide you with legal representation. Call us today for a free consultation.